
The Georgia General Assembly approved a constitutional amendment to create 桃县 from parts of Houston and Macon counties on July 18, 1924. 乔治亚州选民于11月11日批准了拟议的修正案. 1924年4月4日,创建乔治亚州 161st and last new county and ending a long struggle between neighboring communities.

A state historical marker on the courthouse grounds incorrectly cites the county's creation as the day the legislative act proposing the constitutional amendment was approved, but the county was officially born when Georgia voters approved the amendment 77,052 to 31,211. 桃县于1月9日开业. 第一批委员于1925年1月1日选出. 7, 1925.

谷堡是詹姆斯建立的贸易站 Abbington 埃弗雷特在早期 1820s 并于1856年合并为一个城市. 有趣的是,这个城市名字的来源并不清楚. One story claims that Everett named it "Fox Valley" but that his writing was misread by officials in Washington, D.C.,被称为“Fort Valley”." Another story claims that Everett named the town after his friend Arthur Fort, 一位来自附近的独立战争英雄 米利奇维尔. 无论如何,这里似乎从未有过军事堡垒. 在公司成立后不久, the idea of carving a new county out of the north end of Houston County was being discussed.

然后什么也没发生, talk of a new county continued through the years and was said to have gained momentum again in the 1880s. 尽管该声明的来源从未得到证实, 据报道,在乔治亚州有一条经验法则 1800s that every citizen should be within a one-day round trip by horse or wagon from the seat of county government.

In reality, however, other factors were more commonly behind the push to create new counties. Personal disputes and political controversies frequently led to the division of an existing county. Fort Valley residents found it hard to get to the courthouse in Perry and the Flint River created a natural barrier between residents in the north part of Macon County and their county courthouse in Oglethorpe.

Historians say the final and successful effort to create 桃县 started in 1914 at a meeting at the home of A.B. Greene on Everett Square attended by community leaders from both Fort Valley and Byron. The movement gained momentum in the years between 1914 and 1922 when the effort erupted into a full scale political war between the communities of Perry and Fort Valley.

With community pride and normal territorial feelings at the center of the debate, the arguments raged over the final population of the affected counties, 土地分配和实际需要为另一个县.

就连拟议中的名称也引发了争论. Some residents of the area were apparently outraged that the proponents of the new county would consider naming it for a fruit. How could Georgia possibly start naming counties after agricultural crops? If voters approved another new county, would it be called "Watermelon County?"

极力保护自己的权力, 休斯敦县领导转让了40家公司的所有权,000 acres to Macon County in an effort to persuade Macon County voters to oppose the 桃县 amendment. 公民社, businesses and local politicians in both counties got involved and vicious letters were circulated debating the issue. A Marshallville merchant who supported the new county was reportedly sent a letter to advising him to "get out of town."

在州一级, the big debate centered on whether or not there was a need for more counties in Georgia. Georgia voters had approved a constitutional amendment in 1904 limiting the number of counties to 145. 第二年, 大会设立了八个新的国家, 使总数达到145人——宪法限制. 不过, there was continuing pressure to create more counties.

Because an act of the legislature cannot conflict with the state constitution, 唯一的选择是修改州宪法. 从1906年开始, lawmakers got around the 145-county limitation by creating new counties through constitutional amendments that were not subject to the limitation. By 1922 there were 160 counties and voters were beginning to question the need for more government.

不过, the constitutional amendment to create 桃县 passed the legislature in 1922 and went on the ballot that fall only to be defeated at the polls. But the supporters of 桃县 were undaunted and the battles raged on.

While the history of the effort between 1922 and 1924 is sketchy, Sen. J.E. 戴维森, 埃米特 House, Charles Jackson, H.C. 尼尔,C.L. 谢泼德和A.J. Evans are credited with helping resolve the differences with voters in Macon and Houston Counties, 这样,口水战就结束了. The legislature approved the amendment in voters went to the polls in November and approved the creation of 桃县 with Fort Valley as the county seat.

格鲁吉亚的 161st -- and last -- new county was named for the peaches so proudly grown in the area.

随着桃县的创建, Georgia had 16 counties created by constitutional amendment after the limit of 145 counties was set in 1904, 但桃县是最后一个. Milton and Campbell counties merged with Fulton in 1932, leaving 159 counties. Georgia voters ratified a new constitution in 1945 which set an absolute limit of 159 counties, with an additional provision that no new country could be created except through consolidation of existing counties.

桃县成立于1924年11月, supporters worked diligently to open for business in January 1925. 的二楼 Slappey的 歌剧院(后来更名为奥斯汀剧院,然后是桃子剧院) 剧院 and once again the Austin Theater) on Main Street was used as the county courthouse. County officials later moved the courthouse around the corner to a former Star and Durant auto dealership on South Macon St. 现在的法院建于1936年. After a fire in 1969, the courthouse was restored and expanded in the early 1970s. 另一个附加部分建在 1990s.

For additional information about the history of 桃县, click here to visit the 桃县历史学会网站.